In modern war…..

In modern war… you will die like a dog for no good reason.

The above quote is by Ernest Hemingway and I have no idea why I have added it in here.
College began a week ago and its not bad,if you ask me.Though I did see ARs almost fall asleep during a class but heck engineering’s just his safety net,though I have a feeling he won’t need it
STR is on a mission to watch all the good American TV shows ever made,with Entourage(it’s a good TV show,check it out) being the show that’s currently on his list

PN is currently watching lecture videos on Social Psychology on Coursera and researching German Universities online.The shadow of DAAD looms large over him

AP and TAS still seem to be roommates,but each with a room of their own.AP is the same old,the only difference being that now he has some comic books to read and TAS is the same old ladies’ man(He’s a really good basketball player though,according to ARs).

That’s all about my friends,and almost nothing about me.I like that.Let’s leave it at that.

Coming back to the quote on top,I really had no good reason(clever,eh?) to put it in here,except perhaps to make the blog look cool and to make it readable. Ciao!